There is currently only one planet in retrograde

Solar kp index is unsettled. Retrograde effects slightly enhanced. Solar Speed above average. Retrograde effects moderately increased.

Mars is moving from Leo to Virgo

"Mars Ditches Leo, Moves into Virgo: Was it Something Leo Said or Just Mars' Obsessive Need for a Clean House?"

Mercury is moving from Cancer to Leo

"Mercury Ditches Its Crabby Shell for a Roaring Mane: Hold Onto Your Telescopes!"

The Moon is moving from Aries to Taurus

"Buckle Up Star Gazers: The Moon's Skipping From Aries to Taurus Like a Time Lord in a Cosmic Game of Hopscotch!"

The Moon is moving from Pisces to Aries

"Galactic Game of Musical Chairs: The Moon Ditches Pisces for a Hot Date with Aries!"

The Moon is moving from Aquarius to Pisces

"Moongate Alert: Aquarius Waves Goodbye as Pisces Plays Host, Leia-Style! May the Force be With Your Emotions!"

The Moon is moving from Capricorn to Aquarius

"Galactic Update: The Moon, Tired of Capricorn's Workaholic Vibes, Hitches a Cosmic Ride to Aquarian Chillville!"

The Moon is moving from Sagittarius to Capricorn

"Brace Yourselves, Earthlings: The Moon's Shifting from Sagittarius to Capricorn, Turning Our Emotional Phasers from 'Spontaneous Wanderlust' to 'Controlled Ambition'!"

The Moon is moving from Scorpio to Sagittarius

"Hold onto Your Telescopes, Folks! The Moon's Ditching Scorpio for Sagittarius - Apparently, She Prefers Centaurs Over Scorpions!"

The Moon is moving from Libra to Scorpio

"Beep Boop Beep! Lunar Module Shifting from Libra to Scorpio: Prepare for Emotional Overload, Folks!"

Mercury is moving from Gemini to Cancer

"Shiny! Mercury's hightailin' it from Gemini to Cancer faster than a Reaver on the prowl: Prepare for celestial mood swings and cosmic crab-walks, space cowboys!"

The Moon is moving from Virgo to Libra

"Loosen Up, Moon! Virgo's Perfectionism Gets Shelved as Lunar Libra Brings Balance to the Astro-Force!"

The Moon is moving from Leo to Virgo

"Galactic Gossip: The Moon Abandons Leo's Lion-Hearted Galactic Rave to Join Virgo's Intergalactic Tidying Party – Bring Your Own Towel!"

The Sun is moving from Gemini to Cancer

"Sun Ditches Twins for Crustacean Cuddles: Gemini's Loss is Cancer's Galactic Gain, says Q from Star Trek!"

The Moon is moving from Cancer to Leo

"Stargate's Daniel Jackson Discovers Moon's Epic Voyage from Crabby Cancer to Lovable Lion Leo: Galactic High-Five Ensues!"

The Moon is moving from Gemini to Cancer

"Brace Yourselves, Earthlings! The Moon's Shifting from Chatty Gemini to Cuddly Cancer - Prepare for an Emotional Whirlwind and Uncontrollable Cravings for Cosmic Hugs and Timey-Wimey Feels!"

The Moon

The MoonThe Waxing Gibbous moon is currently 11.1 days old. It is 404162.2 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 12:40:02, 6 Jun 2024.
The next full moon is at 1:10:32, 22 Jun 2024.