The next Aries will start in 292 days (Thursday, 20 March, 2025, 20:42 UTC)

The Moon is currently in Aries

Mercury moves to Aries in 275 days (Monday, 03 March, 2025, 20:42 UTC)

Venus moves to Aries in 248 days (Tuesday, 04 February, 2025, 20:42 UTC)

Mars is currently in Aries

Saturn moves to Aries in 358 days (Sunday, 25 May, 2025, 20:42 UTC)

Neptune moves to Aries in 302 days (Sunday, 30 March, 2025, 20:42 UTC)

The Moon

Moon In Aries

Your passion and energy are on point while the moon is in Aries, so beware of being too self-focused and making rash and impulsive decisions during this time - and watch your temper! Perhaps you should put that energy into some exercise. Get out and move! Now is a good time to start a new project (but not one you can't finish!). But again, keep an eye out for impulsive decisions or picking fights, because remember - everyone else is feeling that impulsiveness as well!

Let that mysterious thing captivate you while the moon is in Aries. Go ahead and give yourself permission to explore, and don't worry about going it alone. Your independence will serve you well.


Mars Is In Aries

Mars is the planet of action, and when he’s in Aries, he’s on top of the world. He’s strong, independent, and fierce. There’s nothing that will stand in his way, no matter what he wants to accomplish. Mars in Aries is always triumphant. 

Fiery Aries is a Cardinal sign characterized by immediacy, activity, and pioneering, so Mars fits perfectly into this fast-paced environment. Because there is little resistance during Mars in Aries, it almost feels like our obstacles melt away. But it’s not like they’ve totally disappeared -- we’re just too driven and confident to be daunted by them. Even though we’ll probably face these obstacles at some point down the road, that’s not the point of Mars in Aries. This transit is not about planning. It’s about moving forward, regardless of what may stand in our way later.

We’ll want to blaze trails, push ourselves, and tone our bodies and minds. We’ll be more likely to do things we’ve never done before during this transit. Mars and Aries are both about trying, not about winning. Success comes from participation rather than the conquest.

And while this incredible surge in energy can be beneficial, it can also become a challenge in our lives and relationships. Because we’re less concerned with consequences, impulsive behavior is likely. We may find that we experience more outbursts of anger, or that our direct approach rubs others the wrong way. Mars in Aries makes us all feel like "it’s my way or the highway," which means we aren’t willing to meet others halfway. We could end up butting heads more frequently due to the aggressive energy in the air.

The Moon is moving from Pisces to Aries

"Brace Yourselves, Moon's Going from Fishy Pisces to Fiery Aries: It's like Hogwarts Sorting Hat On a Cosmic Scale!"

The MoonThe Moon is moving from Pisces to Aries in the next 24 hours.

Moon In Aries

Your passion and energy are on point while the moon is in Aries, so beware of being too self-focused and making rash and impulsive decisions during this time - and watch your temper! Perhaps you should put that energy into some exercise. Get out and move! Now is a good time to start a new project (but not one you can't finish!). But again, keep an eye out for impulsive decisions or picking fights, because remember - everyone else is feeling that impulsiveness as well!

Let that mysterious thing captivate you while the moon is in Aries. Go ahead and give yourself permission to explore, and don't worry about going it alone. Your independence will serve you well.

#Moon #Aries #Pisces

Well, well, well, Moon, you sneaky celestial body you, making your grand exit from Pisces and sashaying into fiery Aries. You're like that one friend who leaves the party early but not before setting a small fire in the backyard. Nice! In Pisces, you were all about dreams, imagination, and probably watched reruns of Star Trek while eating cosmic jellybeans. But hold onto your craters, because Aries is gonna shake things up faster than you can say "lightyears"! Aries is the Ram of the zodiac, all fiery and headstrong, not the type to sit back and watch reruns of anything. So, Moon, get ready to feel the burn. You're gonna be channeling your inner action hero, maybe even grow an alien muscle or two. So, what does this mean for us mere earthlings? Well, prepare for a surge of energy. It's like drinking five cups of coffee and then doing a marathon. But please, for the love of stardust, don't actually do that. You might also feel a sudden urge to take charge, make decisions or start new projects. Go for it! Just remember to use your inside voice, okay? And maybe not start a space expedition to Mars just yet. And hey, if all else fails, you can always blame it on the Moon in Aries. That's right, the Moon made me do it! #MoonInAries #BlameItOnTheMoon #CosmicCoffeeOverdose So buckle up, buttercups, because this lunar transit is going to be one giant leap for mankind! Let's just hope it doesn't end with us accidentally colonizing Pluto or something. #MoonMadness #SpaceOops Remember, no matter where the Moon goes, you've got the whole universe inside you. So shine on, you crazy diamonds, and let's ride this cosmic wave together! #InnerGalaxyVibes #ShineOn

Moon, Pisces, Aries

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