By The Chip Witch on Saturday, 27 May 2023
Category: ChipWitch Today

ChipWitch Today for 27 May, 2023

Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

27 May, 2023

Solar activity was very low to low. The largest flare of the period was an M1.3 at 26/2303 UTC from Region 3315 (S1705E05, Dki/beta). A small delta magnetic configuration appears to be forming in its intermediate spots. Region 3311 (N18W32, Eai/beta-gamma) continued to decay and simplify magnetically over the period.

The solar kp index is quiet, with no changes to retrograde effects. The solar wind speed is currently above average, making retrograde effects moderately increased.

Solar wind parameters continued to diminish over the period. Solar wind speed decreased from approximately 560 km/s to near 430 km/s. Total field ranged from 2-5 nT while the Bz component was between +/-4 nT. Phi angle was predominantly negative.

There is a 15% chance of solar activity, with a 1% chance of a minor event, a 1% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

The waxing moon is currently in Virgo, at 01 degrees, 36' 38", at a velocity of 11.9 degrees per day.

The First Quarter moon is currently 7 days old. It is 404633.28 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 4:39:10, 18 Jun, 2023. The next full moon is at 11:40:30, 3 Jul, 2023.

Planetary Information

The Sun

The Sun is in Gemini

The Sun is at 05 Gem 44' 10", and is 151557221km away and receding.

The Moon

The Moon is in Virgo

The Moon is at 01 Vir 36' 38", and is 403644km away and approaching.

Moon Is In Virgo

Great Scott! The Moon's in Virgo, my fellow cosmic explorers! And at a whopping 403,725.295599453km away, it's practically our neighbor… if our neighbor lived in another solar system, that is. But don't worry, no need to fire up the DeLorean and gun it to 88mph because the lunar vibes are coming straight to you. Now, we all know that Virgo's the zodiac's resident Hermione Granger, so expect some serious organization and analysis magic to be sprinkled over you like fairy dust. Whether you're sorting your socks by color or alphabetizing your Netflix queue, you'll feel an irresistible urge to get your life together, man. Seriously, even the Dude from The Big Lebowski would abide by this energy. But wait, there's more! With the Moon in Virgo, your inner Marty McFly might just make an appearance. Remember how he couldn't resist a challenge when called a "chicken"? Well, you too may find yourself standing up for what you believe in, taking on any Biffs who dare challenge you. Just remember: keep it cool and stay focused, my time-traveling friends. As the Moon orbits our humble little planet, it's also going to stimulate your inner nerd. So don't be surprised if you find yourself engrossed in a conversation about quantum mechanics or debating the best Star Trek captain (it's Picard, obviously). Embrace that inner geek, because who knows, you might just attract your very own Doc Brown to share in your adventures. So to sum it up, Moon in Virgo brings out your inner perfectionist, voice of reason, and lovable nerd. It's a wild ride through time, space, and self-discovery, but remember, where we're going, we don't need roads... just a keen sense of humor and maybe a hoverboard. Until next time, fellow stargazers! May your cosmic journey be far out and totally tubular!


Mercury is in Taurus

Mercury is prograde at 11 Tau 12' 09", moving at 0.84 degrees per day, and is 117504606km away and receding.

Mercury Is In Taurus

Holy Cow! Mercury's in Taurus, Dude!

Far out, cosmic travelers! Our groovy little friend Mercury is currently chilling in Taurus, like 117,377,612.699540451 kilometers away (but who's counting, right?). And guess what? It's totally prograde, man! So, buckle up and get ready for some far-out vibes coming your way, because this stellar combination is gonna have everyone feeling more grounded than an arcade full of vintage Atari games.

Mercury, that funky planet that governs our minds, is getting a dose of Earthy goodness from Taurus, like mixing Bill Nye with Woodstock, you dig? All those flighty ideas floating around in our heads are about to get real, as Taurus infuses Mercury with some practical magic that'll help us turn those wild dreams into solid plans. Expect less daydreaming and more "Hey, I can actually do this!" moments during this transit, my friends.

While Mercury's hanging out in Taurus territory, it's time to bid adieu to whimsical thoughts and rambling conversations. Instead, welcome the gift of stability, like standing on a yoga mat made of quantum physics and moonbeams. We're being given the chance to slow down, get our groove on, and create rock-solid foundations that'll make our futures brighter than a supernova.

So, fellow stargazers, while Mercury is playing house with Taurus, let's get down to Earth and start making things happen. Take advantage of this cosmic energy to turn your wildest dreams into reality. After all, the universe is totally on your side, man. Peace, love, and celestial harmony to you all!


Venus is in Cancer

Venus is prograde at 20 Can 50' 43", moving at 1.01 degrees per day, and is 116076904km away and approaching.

Venus Is In Cancer

Greetings Earthlings! Venus has entered the Crab Zone

Oh, my fellow cosmic nerds! Gather 'round, for the planet of love and affection - that's Venus for you muggles - has tip-toed into the cozy realm of Cancer. This celestial combo brings out the warm and fuzzy side of the universe, making it the perfect time to cuddle up, share some heartwarming stories, and maybe even convince your commitment-shy sweetheart to finally take the leap.

While Venus cruises through Cancer's domain, the urge to channel your inner "Cosmic Care Bear" will be stronger than ever. Family bonds will become as important as the forces of gravity, and you might find yourself yearning to connect with your roots like a tree hugging hippie (in the most endearing way, of course). Nesting instincts shall awaken, and you may suddenly feel compelled to transform your humble abode into a sanctuary of comfort and safety, with the occasional lava lamp and a vintage bean bag chair.

But beware, my stargazing friends, for this planetary pair-up might make your emotions as unpredictable as Schroedinger's cat. Friendships and romantic relationships may feel like a roller coaster through the galaxies, so buckle up and prepare for some mood swings. Cancer's instinct to retreat into its shell when emotionally wounded may tempt you, but remember, vulnerability can be a powerful force in the cosmos.

The silver lining? With your heart as open as the vast universe, love shall flow freely and abundantly. So, embrace this cosmic opportunity, dear earthlings! It's time to nurture, connect, and let love rule the stars!

Until next time, keep looking up and stay groovy!


Mars is in Leo

Mars is prograde at 03 Leo 47' 35", moving at 0.58 degrees per day, and is 293617795km away and receding.

Mars Is In Leo

Mars in Leo: Cosmic Shenanigans with a Dash of Technicolor

Greetings, interstellar voyagers! Mars is currently doing the cosmic cha-cha in Leo's living room, and it's about to turn up the fun(damental) particles! At a whopping 293,566,421.210181296km away, Mars is sending us some groovy vibes, urging us to break out of our dull routines and embrace the technicolor wonderland that life can be.

As Mars parkour's through Leo's territory, it's the perfect time to follow that pulsar of a heart of yours. Leo, the king of the jungle-gym, rules the heart and knows that passion is the key to unlocking our true potential. So, unleash your inner nerd, let your freak flag fly, and pursue whatever sets your soul on fire (just remember to keep a fire extinguisher handy)!

Of course, with great power comes great responsibility, and while Mars in Leo gives us the confidence of a supernova, it's crucial not to go full-on black hole on our egos. Don't just act like you're the center of the universe – be the positively charged particle you want to see in the world. If you want applause, be applaudable. If you want to lead a pack of celestial beings, then by all means, lead them into the astral light!

Now, I must warn you, space cadets: enthusiasm may be more infectious than a case of cosmic giggles during this Mars in Leo transit, but so is drama. We may find ourselves craving the spotlight, feeling a bit miffed when our fellow stargazers don't lavish us with attention. But fear not! Instead of launching into a supernova-sized tantrum, channel that expressive energy into something truly out-of-this-world.

The cosmic takeaway here, folks, is that while Mars frolics in Leo's playground, it offers us a chance to reflect on our egos and their place in our star-studded lives. Recognize the beauty and the pitfalls of ego, and take this opportunity to balance its role in your life like a perfectly aligned celestial mobile. So grab your lab goggles, put on your dancing shoes, and let the Mars in Leo shenanigans begin!


Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter is prograde at 02 Tau 21' 57", moving at 0.22 degrees per day, and is 863200153km away and approaching.

Jupiter Is In Taurus

Intergalactic Wisdom: Jupiter in Taurus

Alright, my star children and cosmic nerds, it's time to buckle up as we embark on an interstellar journey through the celestial wonders of Jupiter in Taurus. With Jupiter, our very own Professor of the cosmos, dressed up in the stylish robes of the Earth-loving Taurus, we're in for a groovy ride!

Our massive, gaseous guru, residing a mere 863,247,187.607226253km away (give or take a few kilometers), is currently in prograde motion, which means it's moving forward, just like you, my fellow space explorers! It's time for us to boldly go where no astrologer has gone before—diving deep into the spiritual realms of our inner selves.

Picture this: Jupiter, the wise and bearded Obi-Wan Kenobi of planets, is giving Taurus, the stubborn yet lovable Shrek of the zodiac, a celestial piggyback ride. This delightful duo reminds us that the answers we seek are buried deep within our very own swamp—a place we often forget to explore in the midst of life's chaos.

With Jupiter in Taurus, we're gifted a cosmic GPS to navigate our way towards our dreams and goals while riding the slow yet steady Taurus Express. It's time to put on your lab coat, grab your trusty microscope, and methodically analyze your financial world like the science enthusiasts you are. Who knows, maybe you'll discover the alchemy of turning base metals into gold—or at least find some lucrative investments!

But beware, fellow stargazers! Taurus, the ever-hedonistic connoisseur of life's pleasures, can sometimes lead us down a path of overindulgence, especially when paired with Jupiter's expansive energies. So, when faced with the eternal question, "Do I really need that fifth slice of pizza?", remember to exercise cosmic self-control and make wise choices that will benefit your long-term goals.

In conclusion, as we traverse the universe in our metaphorical Millennium Falcon, let us harness the power of Jupiter in Taurus to tap into our inner Yoda, master our finances like an intergalactic Wall Street guru, and resist the tempting gravitational pull of indulgence. May the cosmic force be with you, always!


Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is prograde at 06 Pis 49' 60", moving at 0.03 degrees per day, and is 1460765040km away and approaching.

Saturn Is In Pisces

Greetings Earthlings! Saturn in Pisces has arrived!

Brace yourselves, my intergalactic comrades, for the cosmic extravaganza of Saturn's voyage into the mystical dreamland of Pisces is upon us! Saturn, the celestial taskmaster, is currently a whopping 1,460,851,622.529611826 kilometers away from our beloved blue marble, yet its influence is far from distant. So grab your telescopes and don your nerdiest space-themed attire, because we're about to embark on an astrological adventure of epic proportions!

As the groovy vibes of Pisces intertwine with the structured energy of Saturn, it's time for us to boldly go where no human has gone before: deep within our own imaginations! This cosmic cocktail has the potential to unlock the hidden potential within our daydreams, so take a moment to connect with that novel idea or entrepreneurial venture you've been brewing in the far reaches of your mind. Then, my fellow stargazers, let the cosmic coaching commence! With Saturn and Pisces working in tandem, the pathway to making our dreams a reality becomes as clear as a telescope lens on a cloudless night.

But beware, dear Earth dwellers, for Saturn in Pisces may also bring a touch of turbulence to our otherwise peaceful cosmic journey. As much as we love to protect our daydreams like a treasured comic book collection, the presence of Saturn in Pisces may prompt us to face the cold, hard truths about our aspirations. Fear not, though, for the planetary "dad" that is Saturn isn't here to rain on our celestial parade. Instead, he's here to help us tidy up our dreamscape and make our visions soar to new heights. So let go of those "Stay Out of My Room" signs and welcome Saturn's wisdom with open arms – you might just find his advice to be out of this world!

As we traverse the cosmic landscape of Saturn in Pisces, it's essential to remain mindful of our need for rest and rejuvenation. With all this newfound focus on our dreams, both literal and metaphorical, we may experience some interstellar turbulence in the form of restlessness, anxiety, or even sleep disturbances. Fear not, my fellow space travelers! Simply engage your inner hippie and embrace the tranquility of meditation, nature walks, and deep breathing exercises. Don't forget to keep a dream journal handy, and consider hitting the


Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is prograde at 19 Tau 56' 12", moving at 0.06 degrees per day, and is 3084795946km away and approaching.

Uranus Is In Taurus

Uranus in Taurus: A Galactic Rodeo of Change, My Dudes

Greetings, cosmic cadets! It's time to strap on your astrological seat belts and prepare for a wild ride as Uranus, the planet of surprises and "whoa dude, what just happened?", grooves its way into steady, stubborn Taurus. That's right, folks, it's like mixing a techno rave with a zen garden. Taurus is all about keeping things cool, calm, and collected. They're the cosmic equivalent of a lava lamp, while Uranus is a mad scientist throwing Mentos into a bottle of Diet Coke. Needless to say, this celestial combo can be quite the trip. Now, let's talk about the elephant in the room – or rather, the space cow: money. Taurus has a PhD in cash flow, so with Uranus shaking things up, we're in for some far-out changes in how we deal with our dough. Don't be surprised if we see cryptocurrencies skyrocketing, banks becoming as obsolete as floppy disks, and stock markets doing the electric slide. On the personal front, Uranus in Taurus is here to help us break free from the gravitational pull of financial black holes like debt, taxes, and avocado toast addictions. We might find ourselves questioning if we really need that 12th pair of crystal-infused yoga pants, or if our money would be better spent on, you know, food and stuff. The point is, my fellow star children, resistance is futile. Embrace the Uranus-induced whirlwind and let it guide you towards new ways of thinking about moolah and materialism. You'll find that, in the end, this cosmic shake-up will lead you to a groovier, more stable place that even a Taurus would approve of. So, buckle up and enjoy the ride, because Uranus in Taurus is here to stay for a while, and it's going to be one heck of a cosmic rollercoaster. And remember, as the great Arnold J Rimmer once said, "Better dead than smeg." Or, in this case, better to embrace change than stay stuck in old ways. Peace out, star travelers!


Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is prograde at 27 Pis 21' 56", moving at 0.02 degrees per day, and is 4527966536km away and approaching.

Neptune Is In Pisces

Greetings, stardust beings! Gather 'round and lend me your earholes, for I bring you interstellar news from the cosmic abyss. Neptune - yes, that glorious blue gas giant, approximately 4,528,028,303.193260193 kilometers away (but hey, who's counting?) - is currently doing the celestial cha-cha in prograde through the mystical realm of Pisces. Now, my fellow space cadets, what does this mean for us Earthlings? Picture this: Neptune and Pisces joining forces to create a kaleidoscopic vision of unity, like an otherworldly lava lamp of love. The fog of daily life lifts, and we find ourselves questioning why we ever cared about whose socks were left on the floor or who ate the last slice of vegan pizza. During this cosmic tango, we're called to dig deep into our emotional treasure troves and unearth our hidden gifts, like Indiana Jones searching for the Holy Grail (or just trying to find his keys). It's time to dust off those dreams, my groovy friends, and see how we can contribute to the grand tapestry of healing and progress. So, hop on board the spiritual spaceship and explore new realms of enlightenment. Perhaps you'll find yourself building a sacred shrine to the cosmic muffin, or diving into that ancient alien workshop you've always been curious about. Neptune in Pisces has got your back, encouraging you to share your far-out discoveries with the world. In conclusion, dear star children, let the energy of Neptune in Pisces be your celestial North Star, guiding you on your journey toward wholeness and unity. Embrace the cosmic absurdity, and remember: we're all just floating on a rock through the vastness of space, so why not make it a groovy ride? Peace, love, and may the Force be with you!


Pluto is in Aquarius

Pluto is retrograde at 00 Aqu 12' 56", moving backwards at 0.01 degrees per day, and is 5112883941km away and approaching.

Pluto Is In Aquarius

Pluto in Aquarius: The Groovy Galactic Makeover

Alright, cosmic voyagers, buckle up and put on your nerdiest space goggles, because we've got Pluto hanging out in Aquarius, and it's going to be a wild ride! I mean, with Pluto being 5,112,927,722.044855118 kilometers away (yes, that's the exact number, thank you very much), you'd think it wouldn't have that much of an impact on us. But, oh boy, are you in for a surprise!

Picture this: Pluto, the funky little planet of transformation, meets Aquarius, the groovy sign of progress. It's like a cosmic Woodstock, dude! And what does that mean for us Earthlings? Well, it's time to let go of the past and embrace a future that's more "far out" than we ever imagined.

When I say transformation, I'm talking about a complete soul makeover. None of that superficial stuff, like changing your hair color or getting a new wardrobe. We're talking shedding those old identities and outdated perspectives like a snake losing its skin, making room for something far more cosmic, man.

So what can we expect from this radical planetary dance? Think mind-blowing advancements in science, technology, and space travel (hello, Mars colony!). But, most importantly, we'll see some real progress in civil rights and humanitarianism. It's like the Age of Aquarius on steroids!

The power players during this time won't be the ones hoarding their resources like dragons guarding treasure; they'll be the ones working together and valuing the lives, feelings, and experiences of others. Governments and systems that were once at odds may find themselves uniting like long-lost star-crossed lovers, forging new alliances for the greater good.

Now let's get personal. Pluto in Aquarius is giving us all a cosmic nudge to transform our view of ourselves and our place in this vast universe. Instead of always looking out for number one, what if we started thinking about what's best for everyone? What if we became the heroes we've been waiting for, answering the call to make the world a better place?

So, my fellow space cadets, it's time to blast off into this new era of cosmic revolution and embrace the change that Pluto in Aquarius brings. Are you

Current Planetary Aspects

Sun05 Gem 44' 10"
Moon01 Vir 36' 38"
Mercury11 Tau 12' 09"
Venus20 Can 50' 43"
Mars03 Leo 47' 35"
Jupiter02 Tau 21' 57"
Saturn06 Pis 49' 60"
Uranus19 Tau 56' 12"
Neptune27 Pis 21' 56"
Pluto00 Aqu 12' 56" R

Current Planetary Positions

The Sun

Sun Sextile Mars

You have great vitality and energy today. You know your goals, you have made your plans, now take charge. People in stations above you can be impressed now with the initiative you show. Actions speak louder than words, so get busy.People born with flowing aspects between the Sun and Mars are generally enterprising. They have powerful stores of energy that they can draw upon when needed. These people respond to problems or challenges with a spirited and enthusiastic confidence that is admirable. They are naturally competitive, and this trait is generally well-received by others simply because it is unforced, unaffected, and sincere. These people truly believe in fair play, and they seem to be in love with life. When they are expressing competitiveness and courage, it’s easy to smile and accept these traits as positive ones rather than being rubbed the wrong way. These people generally have good physical vitality.It is interesting to note that these people are not naturally combative. Many enjoy sports or games that are competitive, but not violent. Breaking the rules of a competitive game is particularly upsetting to those with Sun in easy aspect to Mars. This is largely due to the fact that the will (Sun) is connected to the desire nature (Mars) in a pleasing manner, so that the natives are more able than most to control their desires, aggressions, and instincts. They know how to be fair, and they expect others to be fair. As such, sneaky behaviors, uncontrolled impulses, violence, and rage are offensive to them. They know how to direct and control their own impulses and desire natures, and they fully expect others to be able to do so!The main difference between the sextile and trine of the Sun and Mars: The trine is a more natural energy. Those with Sun trine Mars naturally and without thought are courageous and enterprising. Those with Sun sextile Mars have the opportunity to draw upon their courageous and enterprising spirit, but effort is required to pull these energies out of themselves and to apply these energies in their lives. With the trine, the characteristics of Sun-Mars come so naturally that the natives may not even realize just how much endurance, confidence, and enthusiasm they possess. Because the sextile requires some effort and thought, those with Sun sextile Mars often have many creative tools at their disposal, and they can be effective strategists and leaders.Some Famous People with Sun sextile or trine Mars: Angelina Jolie, Neil Armstrong (the first man to step on the Moon), George Lucas, Warren Beatty, Donald Trump, Robert Pattinson.Sun sextile Mars: Energetic, enthusiastic, (and at times) very combative, you have a way of getting to your goal. You enjoy the contest of others trying to stop you. Your creative energies flow very strong when you are opposed. — Interpretation from our In-Depth Profile report.Sun sextile Mars: For most children with this harmonious Sun/Mars aspect, will and desire work hand in hand. It’s probably easy for your child to work with those in authority: parents, teachers, elders. She enjoys working with others and would make a good manager. An interest (and ability) in athletics, exercise (working with the physical body), the outdoors and such, should be lifelong. Another form this could take is training or coaching others. Your child could have a natural ability to express herself and to handle emotions. She may also like to perform. A career in one of the entertainment industries is a possibility. This position also favors police work. Because Mom and Dad supported her as a child, your child is confident of success as an adult. — Interpretation from the Child Star report (Girl).Sun sextile Mars: You have abundant physical vitality and little hesitancy in using it. You are always on the move. Your aims and purposes, being direct and clear and animated by a good physical equipment, carry you to success. You are forceful, hard-hitting, aggressive, knowing where you stand and where you are going. You wear out less energetic souls by the speed and continuous level of your activities, for you are seemingly tireless and can stand shoulder to shoulder with the strongest when it comes to matters of endurance. Since a good deal of the success of this world in material matters depends on physical vitality, you have an edge on competitors. You are an excellent leader not so much of thought as of action (unless Mercury is powerful) and frequently choose the army or navy as your field of activity, where you speedily rise to authority; or business, where you won’t long stay in a subordinate position. You overwhelm people, and they naturally give way to you. If you also have Moon square or opposite Saturn, or Mercury conjunct Venus, or Mercury conjunct, square, or opposition Saturn, or Mercury conjunct Uranus, or Mercury conjunct Neptune: This occurs with strong intellectual and creative bents. You are a leader of thought and a powerful personality. — Interpretation from the Heaven Knows What report.Sun sextile Mars: One of your strengths is your high level of physical vitality and energy. You are an ACTION person, a doer, a go-getter, and you can pack more activity into a day than most people do in a week. You enjoy fighting the good fight, taking on challenges with relish, and you are inherently quite competitive but not in a way that provokes anger or fierce opposition from others. Because in the past you have succeeded in achieving your goals, you now have an inner expectation of success and of being a winner, a natural self-confidence that you draw on without even thinking about it. You have developed many positive “masculine” qualities, such as courage, will power and the ability to take initiative. You tend to be a leader without having to struggle or coerce others into accepting your authority. Occasionally, however, you may overpower other people without realizing it, since they may not have the energy resources that you do. — Interpretation from the Karmic Insight report.

The Sun

Sun Square Saturn

You may become involved in conflicts between your need for self-expression and your duties to others. The key is to find a balance. You may tend to be selfish today and many problems can be alleviated by thinking of others first. A feeling of loneliness may come upon you today, but it's probably just that, a feeling. It's not the true state of things. Do your duty, meet your obligations, then you have every right to start thinking of yourself.Those people born under a challenging aspect between the Sun and Saturn face a fair number of challenges in their lives, especially in the first half of life, in which their attempts to express their will are thwarted. There can be a persistent feeling that they don’t get what they want more often than other people around them. They can feel unlucky. Attempts to control their environment, and sometimes others, may be frequent.These people fear their own feelings of inadequacy! They want to be considered accomplished and important people, and when they face obstacles, they don’t always want to believe that they are their own worst enemy. They long to be considered important in the eyes of the world, yet they harbor fear of success at the same time. They take failures and minor setbacks to heart, and some practically beat themselves up over them. Self-awareness to the point of real self-consciousness is characteristic of Sun-Saturn challenging aspects. The truth is, nobody holds a microscope over them, except for themselves. A little setback or a faux pas needn’t be analyzed to death. Fingers needn’t be pointed. No, they didn’t make a spectacle of themselves when they made a mistake. They need to stop worrying about always being right, or appearing suave and accomplished. When they ease the pressure they put on themselves, they find that they don’t face as many brick walls. It is very much about what they feel they deserve. Deep down inside, if they let themselves truly believe that they deserve happiness and peace of mind, they will find it.When Saturn is closely connected to a personal planet, there is usually an effect of censoring going on with whatever is ruled by the planet it joins by aspect. For example, with the Moon, which rules emotions, the natives feel the need to censor their emotions and feelings, scanning them for what is thought to be frivolous. With Saturn and the Sun, there is much self-censoring going on. “I shouldn’t..” is a common censoring mechanism with these people. They feel they shouldn’t want too much. When they express egotism of any form, some part of them feels guilty. As the Sun rules our conscious mind, it does enough censoring on its own. It is the “adult” within us. Saturn, on the other hand, is more like the “parent” within us. We need parents to guide us when we are children, and to some degree as adults, but for the most part, we don’t need to be censored indefinitely–something that seems to be the case with Saturn-Sun hard aspects, except that the censoring and parenting is coming from within.Ideally, these people eventually learn that the standards they set for themselves are too high, and that may be the reason they seem to hit brick walls. They recognize that many of the restrictions they face in life are often self-created, born of a defeatist attitude. They should be aware of the tendency to choose the hardest paths to travel and/or to deny themselves some of life’s pleasures. Working on recognizing and managing these tendencies will help them to avoid the pitfalls of this combination. These people have a sarcastic sense of humor, a keen intelligence, and the ability to apply caution and strategy. The vitality may suffer, and troubles with the bones, teeth, and circulation may surface.Some Famous People with Sun in Hard Aspect to Saturn: Squares – Harry Belafonte, Wynonna Judd (Sun square Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto), Salvador Dali, Marilyn Manson, Oprah Winfrey, Salvador Dali, Virginia Woolf, Ben Stiller, Alec Guiness. Oppositions – Jim Morrison, Charlie Sheen, Kurt Russell.


Venus Sextile Uranus

Unusual, exciting, and unexpected business, social or romantic opportunities can occur now. You are charming, sparkling, witty, and others want you in their company. You exude a certain magnetism that draws people closer to you. Unusual ideas or ways to make money may surface now. You feel free and are happy to be alive. There is a sense of electricity running through you and you feel as if anything could happen. Intuition is strong. Go with it.The ability to get along with–and accept–people from all walks of life as friends is strong with this position. These people can readily see through insincerity in others. In relationships, tolerance is the most important “ingredient” to these people. Their sexual preferences are somewhat unconventional, and they won’t be happy with a partner who tries to limit their sexual expression. They are usually quite capable of maintaining relationships that require a great deal of freedom and tolerance, such as long-distance romances or set-ups in which partners are unable to see each other consistently. Their style in love is somewhat free and breezy, and noncommittal. They quite naturally accept the idea that their partner might need some personal space and freedom.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Venus and Uranus have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Alternate interpretations:Venus sextile Uranus or Venus trine Uranus: *You are open and progressive in your attitudes towards love and romance, and spontaneous and free in your love-expression. You are always willing to experiment and try anything new that your partner suggests, and you enjoy being surprised. A relationship in which both you and your partner have a good deal of freedom and independence will hold your interest much more than a safe, predictable one.#On the physical level you feel the sexual spark in relationships immediately. On the spiritual level you are able to discern facts about their future through the same spark. From Your Spiritual Path report.Some Famous People with Venus in Harmonious Aspect to Uranus: Sextiles – Marlene Dietrich, Gene Hackman, William Blake, Joe Cocker; Trines – Donald Sutherland, Maria Shriver, Arnold Palmer, Molly Ringwald, Jerry Lee Lewis, Barry Gibb, Ron Howard, Carmen Electra, Prince Albert, Lucille Ball.


Mars Square Jupiter

Today is not the day to gamble or to take chances. You may be feeling over-optimistic and that optimism is not warranted today. You may be inclined to promise more than you can deliver. Pull in your reins a little and don't expect too much. Stay in control of yourself and remember "a man's got to know his limitations." Work off extra energy safely through physical exercise. Put off business deals until this aspect is over. Then, review your plans to make sure every thing is on the up and up. Don't be rash as this could lead to accidents. Take your time and be patient. Control your impulsive spending.This aspect brings great impulsiveness, insatiable desires, playfulness, and daring. You might be frequently trying to prove yourself, to others and/or yourself, and thus readily take on a challenge. You desire exciting experiences and may rarely be satisfied with your life as it is. You require much space and freedom, and you demand to be treated with fairness. You need to be careful that your behavior is deserving of these liberties, and that you treat others with the same respect. Many people with this position tend to flee when angry. This is not because they are afraid of confrontation, because they certainly are not, but when they are frustrated, a deep inner restlessness is stirred. Some people with this position can be quite self-serving, often without even realizing it, demanding freedom and space from others but not necessarily returning the favor.Another negative expression of Mars square Jupiter and Mars opposition Jupiter is a haughty or boastful attitude–some with this aspect in their birth charts feel they can get away with practically anything. Often they can, and even when they don’t, they are quick to recover from losses. However, this is generally due to a tendency to turn a blind eye to what has happened. Here again is the tendency to flee rather than reflect. They are quick to forget or ignore their mistakes, thus the chances of repeating them run high!Your impulsiveness combined with a competitive streak can incline you to gambling, not just with money. Your sex drive is considerable, and some with this position never feel they have enough, or enough experiences, which can lead to sexual promiscuity for some. You would benefit greatly from more time for self-reflection, as you don’t always see your behavior clearly. When you don’t learn from your mistakes, you repeat them.You are attracted to adventure, exploration, and conquest. There is a real spirit of adventure with Mars-Jupiter aspects, but because these planets are in challenging aspect, there can be difficulty knowing when to stop, and slowing down long enough to feel satisfied with one’s accomplishments. Dieters are encouraged to slow down while eating a meal so that they can know when they are full and satisfied. If they eat too quickly, they are likely to eat more than they need. Similarly, people with Mars in hard aspect to Jupiter would benefit from slowing down and reflecting on their experiences so that they avoid living life feeling they have never had enough. This can also help to avoid this position’s tendency to be accident-prone. Males with this position might be difficult to domesticate! There can be exaggerated “masculine” traits, including an insatiable need to “hunt”.You are very resilient, bouncing back from any setback quickly and usually in a stronger position. You are quite playful and humorous, love to joke around, enjoy practical jokes, and are quick to smile and laugh.Interpretation sample from the KidZone report – Mars opposition JupiterThe native has the feisty planet Mars in opposition to the expansive planet Jupiter. This is a very positive aspect. The native will have lots of energy and lots of optimism, with an enthusiasm that attracts. However, these little ones may have some difficulty getting along with people because they are naturally competitive rather than co-operative. This competitiveness is not aggression. These youngsters simply enjoy a good spirited contest. But they would find life so much easier if they did not treat everything and everyone as competition.This aspect can signify athletic ability. The child will definitely need an outlet for abundant physical energy. Where better than through some sort of physical sport? The natural competitive nature will be more easily accepted in this sort of atmosphere too. This child will be very restless and need a lot of freedom. These kids will not like anyone holding them back or placing restrictions upon them. The outdoors will appeal to this sense of freedom.These kids may be rather clumsy, especially while they are young. There could be a tendency to be accident-prone. The main problem is that this child is in too much of a hurry. These youngsters get too carried away in the excitement of the moment. ‘Less haste – more speed’ could be a good motto for this little one.The onset of puberty will be exciting for this child but the compulsive urge to grab every opportunity that comes along can be a source of total exhaustion that will be ignored. Relating to [love interests] will be relatively easy, but some lessons on taking sexual responsibility will be needed. When the child grows up and forms close relationships with [love interests], a sense of freedom will be important. These individuals react aggressively when they feel emotional stress. They will always tend to act impulsively. Any partner will have to give this child plenty of personal space, and perhaps be prepared for him or her to have some rather dictatorial views.Alternate, short interpretations: Interpretation sample from the Merlin report – Mars square Jupiter or Mars opposition Jupiter: You are enterprising, ambitious, and have a strong desire to succeed in a big way. Ever on the look out for new opportunities and promising new ventures, you are willing to take risks if you sense that something is going to be a winner. No matter how much you accomplish, you never seem to be completely satisfied. You always feel you can do more, and set your sights on another goal. You feel frustrated in limited circumstances, and you will leave secure and reasonably successful situations if they do not offer challenges and potential for growth and expansion in the future. You like to keep stretching your limits, to see how far you can go. Sometimes you over-extend yourself or promise more than you can actually achieve, due to an overly optimistic or overly confident assessment of your own capacities. You relish healthy competition and feel that it spurs you on to even greater achievements.Interpretation sample from the Your Spiritual Path report – Your spiritual interaction with other people is generally quite fortunate in nature. You gain an understanding of a wide range of spiritual teachings through direct contact with others, and you develop the ability to resolve conflicts on all levels of business and personal life in this way.Interpretation sample from the Karmic Insight report – You have broad, expansive goals and will not be content with humble achievements or success on a small scale. Enthralled with the joy of the conquest, your desires and enthusiasm may gallop away with you. You often do not know when you have had or done enough. Many things do come easily to you–athletics, leadership, creative efforts of all kind–and you are apt to have King Midas’s touch, especially early in life. However, this may lead to overconfidence or inflated expectations later on. In your work you are apt to be an overachiever with an overemphasis on physical and/or sexual adventure. Once again, not knowing when to stop or say no can be your downfall.Some Famous People with the Mars in Hard Aspect to Jupiter: Squares – Vincent Van Gogh, Chuck Berry, Johnny Carson, Nat King Cole, Tim Conway, Marie Curie, Jessica Hahn, Diane Keaton, Michael Landon. Oppositions – Richard Wagner, Gay Talese, Rick Springfield, Gene Simmons, Sugar Ray Leonard, Henry Fonda, David Copperfield, Julius Caesar, Bruce Lee.


Mars Opposite Pluto

Power struggles and competition characterize this aspect. You may feel at odds with the people you have to deal with today. Your opinions and theirs seem to clash and there doesn't appear to be much common ground. There is, you just have to dig a little deeper to find it. Just make sure that you don't so antagonize people now that you can't work with them in the future. It will not do any good to burn bridges now no matter what the situation. Keep your cool and realize that tomorrow is another day. State your case, listen to theirs and then sleep on it. Things have a way of appearing different after a time. Don't expect to be able to bully people into your way of thinking. Avoid fist fights.This is a powerful aspect in a natal chart suggesting, in your life time, you very often see extremes of behavior and experiences, or go through crises more than most. You may be no stranger to violence or abuse. You learn through your experiences self-control and self-awareness so that you are better equipped to deal with these extremes. You are wonderful to have around in times of crises, as you can quickly take the lead and you can be undaunted when it comes to defending or helping those you love. Your desires are deep, intense, and sometimes troubling. At times, you seem to attract strong opposition, perhaps because your own nature is rather provocative. You are a natural-born fighter. You can also be quite driven to find answers, and you make a good psychologist, analyst, and investigator. Compulsive behaviors should be watched carefully, as they can consume you and lead you to risky endeavors and difficult scenarios. There can be a strong desire to be in control. You have a tendency to impose your will upon others, which can cause severe problems for yourself when they react in self-defense. You have a hair-trigger temper and may even resort to verbal or physical abuse when upset. Learning to react to unpleasant circumstances with your intellect rather than your emotions comes with maturity. It’s also possible that you experience many extremes in life, and that you are on the receiving end of difficult tempers more than most.It is all too easy for you to find something negative about a situation. Avoid issuing ultimatums when you meet an obstacle. Instead, find a way to convince others to work with you of their own free will. Ordinary life often seems drab and uninteresting to you and you must have something that stirs your imagination, some vision or ideal or dream to motivate you. You have a strong urge to act out your fantasies or to live your dream, and you will DO things that others only talk about or dream about. Artistic creation, drama, or other areas in which you can express yourself imaginatively are excellent for you.You do not easily tolerate a dominating attitude in others. You have a healthy respect for power and authority, but only if it is handled fairly.This aspect gives you a somewhat Scorpionic attitude toward your lovers, and it can modify the traits associated with the sign of your Mars considerably. In other words, there is a distinct possessive and demanding streak in your sexual nature. Your approach to love and sex can be quite intense at times. Your sexual desire nature is a very strong one, and you may even use sex as a bargaining chip in your relationships in order to achieve your goals. More likely, however, is a very focused and intense sexual nature. This also adds a very magnetic quality to your appeal. When a woman finds you attractive, it can transform into a near obsession! Your aura is strong and somewhat mysterious. You tend to come across as stronger than you intend. In fact, some people are intimidated by you, and you may not understand why this is so. When you want something (or someone!) you are very determined. For you, it can be “all or nothing”. When you are finished with something, you leave it behind you and there is no going back. You want a deep, soulful attachment on a sexual level. In your love life you do not take rejection well. You fear betrayal and abandonment, and this can skew your perception of your lover. You have a highly developed sex drive, but you must learn to rein in your aggressiveness in this area. Power struggles and control issues may surface often in your relationships. — Interpretation from our LoveStyles: About Him Report.#You perceive the cruel edge in people, and understand its source. As you deal with your own ruthlessness, you learn how to respond to it in others without risking your physical well-being. Self-confidence develops out of self-control in your interaction with others.Some Famous People with the Mars in Hard Aspect to Pluto: Squares – Oprah Winfrey, Bruce Lee, Mel Gibson, Jeremy Irons, Patrick Swayze. Oppositions – Kirk Douglas, Farrah Fawcett, Kirstie Alley.


Jupiter Square Pluto

You may try to inflict your religious or cultural beliefs on others at this time or they on you. This can be a transit of religious fanaticism. Your desire to reform others may be accompanied by your neglect to improve yourself. There may be radical changes in your religious beliefs. Conflict may arise over financial matters involving taxes, insurance or legacies. Don't take on anything in which you haven't laid the proper foundations. Pride and arrogance may bring your downfall. Your enemies may come out of the woodwork under this transit. Make sure all your dealings are above reproach.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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