There are no planets in retrograde!

Solar kp index is quiet. No changes to retrograde effects. Solar Speed above average. Retrograde effects moderately increased.

There are no planets in retrograde!

The Moon is moving from Libra to Scorpio

"Hey, Kid – Buckle up! The Moon's ditching Libra and sliding into Scorpio like the Millennium Falcon evading Imperial TIE fighters!"

The Moon is moving from Virgo to Libra

"Moon Ditches Virgo, Flirts with Libra: Galactic Balance Scale Tips, Earthlings Beware!"

Mercury is moving from Aries to Taurus

"Mercury Moo-ves into Taurus: Time to Bull-doze through Life with Cosmic Comic Relief!"

The Moon is moving from Leo to Virgo

"Great Scott! The Moon's Flux Capacitor Shifts into Virgo: Time to Tame Your Inner Lion and Channel Some Cosmic Virgo Vibes, Dudes!"

The Moon is moving from Cancer to Leo

"Beam me up, Luna-tics! The Moon is leaving its cozy Cancer home and boldly going to fiery Leo territory!"

The Moon is moving from Gemini to Cancer

"Attention Earthlings! The Moon is Shifting from Gemini to Cancer - Brace Yourselves for an Emotional Rollercoaster!"

The Moon is moving from Taurus to Gemini

"Attention Colonials! The Moon is making a jump from Taurus to Gemini. Brace yourselves for some cosmic turbulence and prepare to engage your wit and charm as we navigate through this astrological rollercoaster ride!"

Mars is moving from Gemini to Cancer

"Attention, Whovians and Astrology Fans: Mars is Regenerating from Gemini to Cancer!"

The Moon is moving from Aries to Taurus

"Attention Earthlings: The Moon is Leaving Aries and Entering Taurus - Time to Get Your Cosmic Cowgirl/Cowboy Hats On!"

Pluto is moving from Capricorn to Aquarius

"Pluto's Cosmic Shuffle: From Capricorn to Aquarius, G'Kar Says 'Prepare for a Galactic Groove!'"

The Moon is moving from Pisces to Aries

"Set Phasers to Aries: The Moon's Bold Move from Pisces to Aries Brings Cosmic Chaos and Courage!"

The Sun is moving from Pisces to Aries

"Get Your Cosmic Seatbelts Ready: The Sun is Leaving Pisces and Entering Aries – Hold On to Your Astrological Hats!"

The Moon is moving from Aquarius to Pisces

"The Moon is Leaving Aquarius and Heading to Pisces - May the Fish Be With You!"

Mercury is moving from Pisces to Aries

"Get ready to blast off: Mercury leaves Pisces and enters Aries, just like a spaceship leaving an alien planet!"

The Moon is moving from Capricorn to Aquarius

"Attention all star signs: The Moon is going from Capricorn to Aquarius, so buckle up and prepare for some cosmic weirdness. And if you're a Capricorn feeling a little lost, don't worry - just remember that even the most organized goats need to let their freak flag fly every once in a while."

The Moon

The MoonThe Waning Gibbous moon is currently 19.3 days old. It is 379330.49 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 3:24:19, 8 May 2024.
The next full moon is at 13:55:52, 23 May 2024.