The next Aquarius will start in 122 days (Monday, 20 January, 2025, 00:38 UTC)

The Moon moves to Aquarius in 22 days (Saturday, 12 October, 2024, 00:38 UTC)

Mercury moves to Aquarius in 131 days (Wednesday, 29 January, 2025, 00:38 UTC)

Venus moves to Aquarius in 79 days (Sunday, 08 December, 2024, 00:38 UTC)

Pluto moves to Aquarius in 61 days (Wednesday, 20 November, 2024, 00:38 UTC)

There are no planets in Aquarius at this time.

Venus is moving from Capricorn to Aquarius

"Venus Pulls a Houdini: Ditching Capricorn's Mountain Shack to Crash Aquarius's Futuristic Pad!"

VenusVenus is moving from Capricorn to Aquarius in the next 24 hours.

#Venus #Aquarius #Capricorn

Breaking news from the cosmic realm, folks! Venus, our beloved planet of love and money, is pulling up stakes from the hardworking Capricorn and setting the GPS for the quirky, freedom-loving Aquarius. You know, folks, Venus in Capricorn was all about stability, seriousness and long-term commitments. It was like the no-nonsense politician who always sticks to the script. But now, it's like that same politician just put on a tie-dye t-shirt and started advocating for free pizza Fridays. Aquarius, you see, is the Bernie Sanders of the zodiac - eccentric, idealistic, and more than a little rebellious. With Venus entering this sign, expect your love life to take on a more unconventional flavor. Maybe your romantic candlelit dinners will turn into protest marches. Maybe you'll find yourself attracted to people who are as different from you as Kanye West is from... well, any conventional politician. As for your finances, well, Venus in Aquarius is about as predictable as a Trump tweet. One moment everything is stable; the next, you’re investing in a start-up that's trying to make unicorn-riding an Olympic sport. So, hold onto your wallets, dear friends, because it might be a bumpy ride. But remember, just like in politics, change can be good. After all, wouldn't it be boring if the same person stayed in office forever? So, embrace the shift from Capricorn's structured style to Aquarius' wild and free ways. Let your love life be your new campaign trail, and may your finances flourish with the unpredictability of a live debate. #FromCapricornToAquarius #VenusGoesHippie #LoveOnTheCampaignTrail #FinancialRollercoaster

Venus, Capricorn, Aquarius

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